Become a Community Health Center Advocate
Why support community health centers?
Community Health Centers provide health care for more than 31 million people in the United States. For every age and every stage of life, people come to community health centers for primary medical care, as well as OB/GYN services, dental, mental health, vision, and other specialty services, like chiropractic. We make health care accessible and affordable. We eliminate barriers to essential care every human needs.
Watch the video below, created by the National Association of Community Health Centers. It explains what a community health center is and how it helps communities.
How do you become a community health center advocate?
The Health Center Advocacy Network has over 65,000 advocates, but more is needed. As a Health Center Advocate, you’ll contact your government representatives asking them to support bills that protect health equity. Fortunately, the Health Center Advocacy Network provides resources to help you! Become an advocate today!