
If you would like to become a patient of Family Care Health Centers, please call the health center nearest you to make an appointment. Appointments can not be scheduled by sending an e-mail and must be made by the individual calling the health center.

Medical advice and medication requests can not be made by sending an email. If you are a patient, you should call to speak with medical staff. If you are not a patient, you should call to schedule an appointment.

To request additional information about our services, including a copy of our 990, please type your contact information in the required fields below.

Your privacy is important and your information will not be shared and will only be used for health center news, celebrations and updates.

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Phone: 314-353-5190
401 Holly Hills Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63111

Forest Park Southeast

Phone: 314-531-5444
4352 Manchester Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110